Tuesday, March 17, 2009

New Partner - American River Parkway Half Marathon

In the interest of protecting public health and the environment, Sac Fit has become a new partner and adopted a smoke-free policy for all their outdoor fitness events!  This year the American River Parkway Half Marathon will be smoke-free.  Here are three reasons why smoke-free outdoor events are good policy:
  1. There is no safe level of secondhand smoke.
  2. Cigarette butts and packaging are the number one source of litter.  In addition, discarded butts contain deadly chemicals harmful to animals, plants and waterways. 
  3. Lit cigarettes are a major cause of fires.  In 2008, more than 1,000 fires were caused by a discarded tobacco product.  Moreover, the 2001 Viejas fire in San Diego which burned 2,300 acres and 16 building was caused by a lit cigarette.
Do your body and mind a favor: Join more than 2500 participants for the May 2, 2009 half marathon on the scenic American River Parkway trail. 

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