Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Editorials about Smoking in the Movies

Movie Editorial #1

Did you know that you are 16 more times to use tobacco when the media displays a superstar using tobacco?

In fact, the tobacco companies pay billions of dollars for film producers to include their advertisements or for actors and actresses to use tobacco. The tobacco companies’ goals are to recruit new smokers. Their main targets are the youth because they will be life long customers. By having tobacco use in the media, it affects our community thinking. Youth believe that using tobacco is cool, stress relieving, and perfectly normal. However, tobacco use does the opposite by harming your health, social life, and future. Instead of relieving stress, tobacco actually weakens your body in fighting or handling day to day stressors.

Tobacco in the media is a big problem that needs to be stopped. 

Movie Editorial #2
Smoking in the media shows that kids should smoke because they have seen actors doing it. The kids look up to the actors like role models and want to be like them. When they see smoking in the movie, it encourages most kids to smoke.

Marlboro states that they don’t encourage kids to smoke but in the movie “Superman,” it shows him jumping out of the Marlboro box sign. In many cartoons and movies, there are clips of characters smoking.

I think the big tobacco companies are lying to us. They would love to see young smokers because they are lifetime customers. I want more laws against smoking in youth rated movies. I think this would help bring down the statistics of young smokers.

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