Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Movie Editorials Cont.

This is another editorial written by one of our youths about smoking in movies. 

Movie Editorial #3
You see your favorite actor smoking; you think it's cool don't you? If you did, then you thought wrong! Smoking may seem cool in the movies but let me tell you the truth. Tobacco companies spend more than $11.22 billion in marketing their products each year. Every teenager that is a non-smoker tends to smoke after watching their favorite stars smoke in movies. 390,000 kids are nearly enough to replace every adult smoker killed by tobacco each year. Smoking in G, PG, or PG-13 rated movies should be put into RATED R because young people in the US watch an average of three movies a week which adds up to 15 exposures to smoking a week. Smoking in movies influences teenagers more than the real life. Now, you see what I'm trying to point out here? Smoking in movies just seems cool because you don't see that yellow teeth, bad skin, ugly hair, or premature wrinkles on their face. But smoking in real life isn't like how it is in movies. You don't have lights to cover your appearance. You don't have make-up artists and hair stylists to do your make-up and hair.
If there is a smoking scene in a movie, it would be rated R so kids are not badly influenced!

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