Friday, September 17, 2010

Celebrate Natomas 9/11/10

We kicked off our year with our very first event in South Natomas at the Celebrate Natomas event on 9/11/10. It was our first time being a part of this event and we had a really good turn out. We got to meet new people and we were able to let the community in Natomas know about our program and the work we do. Hopefully, next year we'll be a part of this event again. Further updates to come as we attend more events, so come out and support us! Our next event we'll be at will be at Prairie Elementary on Saturday morning on the 9/18. Below are some of the pictures at Celebrate Natomas.

Kicking off our new year with a big event and our brand new banner!

Proudly wearing our stickers to support anti-tobacco.

Filling out the surveys.

Giant stuffed pizza!

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